Thanks for sharing this. It makes sense in my head. I signed up for Level 1. Looking forward to seeing how well it works for me.

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@Tobin -- I want to hear how it goes! Please let me know because my hypothesis is that this can help others the way it has me, but I have only heard from people who are already fans, not new people trying it for the first time.

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Resonating hard with this: "I do not feel that overthinking or anxiety or obsessiveness is a super power. I think it is a trait I was kinda born with and that took me a very long time to learn to work with in a productive way." And SO excited to try these exercises. I've been doing versions of this from my chiropractor, but not in a connected or cohesive way. Can't wait to try this -- I have a bulging disc in my lower back and an anxiety disorder, which I've found to be a wicked combo that only somatic practices, like massage and breath work, can help.

How is your hip now?? Have you seen long-term results from the somatic exercise?

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Haley, From everything you've just said in this note I can tell you right now that clinical somatics are made for you. If you have muscle tension as a way of life (like me), mysterious lower back and joint pain, or anxiety in general, clinical somatics can help. The best part is you do it at home, signing up is a reasonable one-time fee...I sound like an ad but I have nothing to do with Sarah Warren's work, just a very grateful fan.

In terms of how my hip is now: My hip was improving so much that I did a risky hike at Funston and badly sprained by ankle. (The hubris to think I could just go for a hike on a rainy bouldery cliff!) So I'm limited in mobility again short term, however, I can tell you that if I didn't have clinical somatics through this sprain, I would be in excruciating hip pain -- and I have very little. I am seeing long term results and am learning not to carry tension in my body for the first time in my life!

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I love this. I also love the pictures. They really bring it all together. 🤣

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Thank you Juliette!

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