May 13Liked by Meredith Arthur

As a counsellor it always takes a while to get past the names professionals have given to a client’s issues and begin working with the whole person. Thanks for the history lesson. I will go back to using my mum’s language of mental health. - bad on his nerves - you are getting on my nerves - nervous breakdown - I’m a bit nervy

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May 13·edited May 13Author

Thanks for this, John! It's such a balancing act, isn't it? We all want to understand what is happening and why. In that way, the guidepost of a diagnosis can be incredibly helpful. But that initial comfort/insight often seems to pass over time, and then you're stuck back where you were in the beginning -- confused about what's actually wrong (this is especially true if you are in physical pain without clear causes). You learn that you need to move beyond the diagnoses, or at minimum, accept that the official DSM diagnoses are pretty arbitrary and subject to the same kinds of industry in-fighting as anything else. And that's when you're forced to dig deeper. And that's how I landed here, nerves and all.

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May 11Liked by Meredith Arthur


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